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March 29th, 2021

We make every attempt to publish the most accurate Remote Viewing data and conclusions possible (hereafter ‘information’). However, it should be understood by the consumer of this information that Remote Viewing is not 100% accurate.

There are 3 phases of Remote Viewing:
Each phase of Remote Viewing carries risks which may negatively affect the accuracy of this information.

If a target is not set-up and cued properly, it may negatively affect this information.

The Remote Viewing session is recognized to have a 20% running error rate in data acquired. Post-session strategies and working with multiple Remote Viewers can mitigate this risk somewhat, however this risk still exists at some percentage.

Session analysis can be fraught with human cognitive biases in drawing conclusions about session data. Extensive follow-on work and team-based analysis are often used to mitigate this risk. However, there will always be some risk in session analysis which may negatively affect the accuracy of this information.

Risks in all three phases may interact and compound one another, negatively affecting the accuracy of this information. For more information on how these risks may interact, see the following video:

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